Ownership & Encumbrance Reports
An O & E Property Report is also known as a Title Search, Property Search and Current Owner Search. Report shows current deed holder, open mortgages, judgments and liens, UCC’s and current and delinquent taxes.
This report consists of several searches in one: Deed Search, Mortgage/Assignment Search, Judgment/Lien Search, UCC Search and Tax Search. Together, they provide a clear picture of the current status of the property.
Ownership Encumbrance Report, Ownership Encumbrance Search, O & E Title Search, O & E Property Report, Current Owner Search, Property Search, Title Search, Property Report, Title Abstract, Abstract of Title, Title Examiner
Deed Search
We’ll search from the prior owner forward and show all deeds in chain of title,
not stopping at a quit claim deed, but going back to a good vesting deed.
Mortgage Search
We’ll show all open mortgages encumbering property from the prior and current owners and list their assignments, modifications and related documents.
Judgment Search
We’ll perform a 20 year name search on all names in chain of title and show all
unreleased judgments and liens attaching to property.
Lien Search
We’re very diligent in searching out Federal, State and County Tax Liens, Code Enforcement Liens, Municipal and Special Assessment Liens, Home Owner Association (HOA) Liens, as they transfer to next owner.
UCC Search
Financing Statement Search: We’ll show UCC’s evidencing a lenders security interest in the owners personal property.
Tax Search
We’ll search back and show both current and delinquent tax information.
Call our office today to order your Ownership and Encumbrance Report!